Palliative total and proximal partial gastrectomies have similar effect with distal partial gastrectomy. 全胃及近端胃姑息切除与远端胃切除同样有效。
Cognition on Postoperative Diet of Partial Gastrectomy in Nurses and Patients 护士及胃大部切除术后患者对术后饮食的认知
The Dynamic Changes of Weight and Correlation Factors after Improved Partial Gastrectomy in Canine 改良胃部分切除术后犬体重及相关因素的动态变化
The clinical analysis of laparoscopic partial gastrectomy for small gastric carcinoid tumor combined with C arm radiotherapy machine 腹腔镜联合C臂机胃小类癌切除术的临床分析
The first patient underwent total laryngectomy for laryngeal cancer without sacrificing the thyroid gland and partial gastrectomy for gastric cancer. 第一例患者患有喉癌和胃癌,接受全喉切除术和部分胃切除术并保留甲状腺。
Objective To reevaluate the application of partial gastrectomy for acute perforation of gastroduodenal ulcer by observing the clinical effect of simple oversewing of the ulcer, antibiotics, suppression of acid secretion and mucosal protectants. 目的:观察穿孔修补,术后抗菌、抑酸和保护胃肠黏膜等综合治疗胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔的临床疗效,重新评价胃大部切除术在胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔中的临床应用。
Association between age of first parturition and the number of births and pancreatic cancer was found, and it remained after adjustment for cigarettes smoking, alcohol consumption, body mass index, cholelithiasis, cholecystectomy, diabetes mellitus, chronic pancreatitis and partial gastrectomy. 结果发现,首胎年龄与生育数均与胰腺癌相关,经吸烟、饮酒、体重指数、胆石症、胆囊切除术、糖尿病、慢性胰腺炎和胃部分切除术调整后相关性仍存在。
10 with partial gastrectomy; 10例行姑息性胃大部切除术;
Results Eleven patients underwent repair of perforation, 8 received partial gastrectomy and 6 radical gastrectomy. 结果穿孔修补(或加胃肠吻合手术)11例,姑息性切除8例,根治性切除6例。
Many procedures including endoscopic mucosal resection, partial gastrectomy and radical resection ( D_1, D_2 or D_3) were performed respectively based on their clinical pathological characters. 根据病灶的临床病理特点分别选用粘膜下切除术、胃大部切除术和胃癌根治术(D1、D2或D3)。
Surgical treatment of esophageal carcinoma in patients with partial gastrectomy in the past 胃大部切除术后食管癌的外科治疗
Obstruction due to omentum necrosis following partial gastrectomy 胃部分切除术后大网膜坏死所致的梗阻
Cases complicated with stress ulcer, of which 2 was improved with conservative treatment, 1 was treated with partial gastrectomy. 3例出现应激性溃疡,2例保守治疗有效,1例行胃大部切除术。
D2 radical gastrectomy is a standard procedure for the treatment of early gastric cancer. Endoscopic mucosal resection and reserved vagus nerve partial gastrectomy may be available to improve the quality of life. D2根治术应做为根治早期胃癌的标准术式,内镜下粘膜切除术、保留迷走神经胃段切除术有利于保持患者术后生存质量。
The treatment of hemorrhage after partial gastrectomy 胃大部分切除后并大出血再手术治疗
Changes of Plasma Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide and Substance P after Partial Gastrectomy 胃大部切除术后血浆血管活性肠肽和P物质的变化
( 10 cases) All of them had undergone partial gastrectomy for more than one year. 胃部手术后组:10例,均为行胃次全切除术后1年以上者。
An Approach to the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Iron-deficiency Anaemia after Partial Gastrectomy 胃大部切除术后缺铁性贫血的发病机制和治疗的探讨
Conclusion Upper digestive tract bleeding in early stage after partial gastrectomy were mostly caused by improper operation procedures. 结论胃部分切除术后近期上消化道出血多是由于手术操作不当引起。
Conclusion The application of partial gastrectomy for acute perforation of gastroduodenal ulcer should be reevaluated. 结论:胃大部切除术在胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔中的临床应用应重新评价。
Cases received reserved vagus nerve partial gastrectomy. 2例采用保留迷走神经胃段切除术;
Results The injuries of 48 cases were resulted from extrahepatic bile duct operation, 2 cases from partial gastrectomy and 2 cases from hepatectomy. 结果胆道手术所致48例(92.3%),胃大部切除术及肝脏手术所致各2例(共7.7%)。
Methods: The clinical data were analysed retrospectively in 10 patients with superficial gastric mucosal Lesion and massive hemorrhage by stress after partial gastrectomy during 10 years. 方法:回顾分析10年间收治10例胃大部切除术后残胃应激性浅表黏膜损害大出血临床资料。
The results of our study demonstrate significantly reduced vertebral mineral density in men following partial gastrectomy. 我们研究的结果表明胃大部切除术后椎骨密度有显著降低。
Objective To probe into the causes of upper digestive tract hemorrhage in early stage after partial gastrectomy and decrease its morbidity. 目的探讨胃部分切除术后近期上消化道出血的原因及降低胃部分切除术后上消化道出血的发生率的方法。
Superselective intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy for recurrent cancer in the remnant stomach after partial gastrectomy 应用超选择动脉灌注化疗治疗残胃复发癌
Results Nine patients received simple repair, 11 partial gastrectomy and 8 radical gastrectomy. 结果单纯穿孔修补术(或加胃空肠吻合术)9例,姑息性胃大部切除术11例,胃癌根治术(一、二期)8例。